Redesigning user onboarding

Simplifying the experience and designing for mobile


Continually is a no code chatbot and live chat tool

The target audience are smaller teams who don't have large support teams available to help their customers 24/7


The purpose of the getting started checklist is to give users a path to finding value quickly. As the product had added more features and potential value, the list had grown to an overwhelming amount for a new user.

The core of Continually's offering centers on its drag-and-drop chatbot builder, this required a desktop. Consequently, mobile design was not a priority, yet we observed sign-ups occurring through mobile. We needed up redesign the onboarding experience to try and help mobile users find value outside of the getting started checklist.


Fullstory data

Users on mobile where much more likely to drop off

Very few people completed the getting started checklist

Usability audit

Users who want to go straight to editing a chatbot are likely to get lost

The getting started tabs weren't intuitive on mobile devices, as the content refreshed beyond the user's visibility

Redesigning getting started checklist

The purpose of the getting started checklist is to give users a path to finding value quickly.

Using the chatbot builder on mobile is not possible which means we needed a new onboarding experience for users who signed up on mobile.


Instead of using tabs to update the content on the page, I added individual pages for each section, this made it easier to navigate between each section.

Separated checklist items into "Other things you can do" to make it less overwhelming for a new user.